Hi everyone! We are doing ticketing a little bit different this year, so we wanted to share with you our ticket options, what they mean, and why we changed it up.
It's no surprise that supporting live, local music is a huge part of our mission and while making music is becoming easier, being financially supported by music is becoming way harder. Most of you probably only come to our events because you like the band(s) that are playing or just want to listen to live music on a Saturday night!
With our event attendees being fueled by music, we thought it would be fitting to have portions of ticket sales go directly to the bands (in addition to their event payment)! See below for the ways you can support local music a little extra at The Block Party this year!
Pre-sale tickets: When you purchase a $10 pre-sale ticket through Eventbrite, you'll see add-on options for each band; this is where you can support or 'tip' their favorite bands! These 'tips' are added to what bands are already being paid for the event, so if you don't have the funds to 'tip', no worries - you can share them on social media, share their songs with a friend, or support in countless other ways!
Each band will have a $5 tip option you can add on to your GA ticket (and you can tip as many bands as you want!).
Pre-sale tickets will end on 11:59pm the day before the event. You can get your ticket here. Day-of ticket: All day-of tickets will be $15 and will be available at the entrance of the event. $5 from every day-of ticket sold will be split between all 5 bands soooo.....if 100 tickets are sold day of, each band will receive $100 on top of what they were 'tipped' in pre-sale & their full event payment.
We hope you join us on August 26th at the B&O for our 5th Block Party!