From dining halls and pantries to school supply distributions and thrift finds, St. Vincent de Paul has been supporting all of those in need around Youngstown and the Mahoning County through some of our toughest times. Although you may be familiar with some of the examples that St. Vincent sets for our community, it's the magnitude of their work that inspires myself and many others.
Between St. Vincents dining hall and pantry, they are assisting hundreds to thousands of people per month. Currently, their dinning hall is serving 1,200 meals each week with their pantry supplying 200 boxes of condiments and food to families in need per month. Throughout the COVID-19 shut-downs, St. Vincent was able to continue to run the pantry for families and individuals non-stop! Not only are they providing hot meals 6 days a week and prepping take away boxes, but they also help students and schools reach their volunteer hours throughout the year.
Outside of food supply, St. Vincent also has a Thrift Store the sells clothing, furniture and appliances. All of the items that you will see are donated from those in our community and 100% of the profits go back to their dining hall and pantry! Their thrift store is open Tuesday-Friday from 10am-4pm & Saturdays from 10am1pm and can be found at 430 Williamson Ave, Youngstown, OH 44507.
St. Vincent will also be large part of our event, The Block Party, on July 10th, 2021 and can be found under the Common Goods VIP Tent! They will be using their furniture pieces to organize 'living rooms' for our guests to use and peruse! Each and every item at the event will be up for sale with an option for delivery on Monday 12th. Deliveries will be a flat fee of $20 if you live in the Mahoning County and $30 for further drop-offs.
If you would like to support St. Vincent at The Block Party and are not looking for furniture, they will be collecting items for their 'School Supply Distribution'. Some items that they are looking for include: backpacks, crayons, markers, pencils, colored pencils, pens, highlighters, glue, glue sticks, notebooks, loose leaf paper, folders, scissors and binders. St. Vincent will also be collecting donations at the event!
Most importantly, St. Vincent de Paul is a non-profit that is able to do their work because of YOU! They are a not running off of a grant or government funding. All of this is possible by the donations from those in our community.