We can't wait to see you at The Block Party! Even if you've been to one of our events before, things are a little different this year.
Hopefully, you'll be able to find answers to all of your questions below, but if not, please email questions to Mikey Caraballo.
The Block Party will be held on August 17th at The B&O Station (530 Mahoning Ave) in downtown Youngstown. Doors for the event will open at 4:00 pm and the event will end at 11:00 pm.
You can get your tickets ahead of the line here!
Want to easily share the event and ticket link with your friends & family? You can find our Partiful for the event here.
There will be a parking lot on-site, but it is first come, first serve! We recommend carpooling when possible to ensure more spots for others. If you plan on drinking alcoholic beverages, make sure you carpool or get dropped off at the event.
Food will be available for purchase at the event from the B&O kitchen! There will be gluten-free and vegan options available.
We will also have a handful of snack and dessert vendors at the event from 4:00 - 11:00 pm.
This year's Block Party will NOT be BYOB.
Instead, the B&O and The Boxcar Lounge will serve alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, with various bars around the event.
If you are planning on drinking, do not plan on driving!
On top of the music, vendors, food, and drinks, we will also have various yard games, a gaming pavilion, photo ops, and more to enjoy!
If there is anything we missed, or if you have any other event questions, please reach out to Mikey at mikey@theneighborhoodevents.com